ISC: Greenfly Is Revolutionizing the Sports Industry

Greenfly’s Nick Shaw spoke to the International Sports Convention (ISC) about the evolution & monetization of short-form sports content.

ISC Greenfly logos, Nick Shaw headshot on blue background for interview on short-form content and monetization.

Greenfly’s EMEA GM Nick Shaw spoke to the International Sports Convention (ISC) about the evolution of short-form content in sports and how organizations should be thinking about monetizing this valuable media today.

Many sports properties today are not capitalizing on the value short-form content offers or realizing all the revenue opportunities sitting behind that content. Greenfly helps enable organizations to make the most of their content treasures.

“There’s a multitude of organizations that can use (game highlights). …So in essence, the exclusivity around that content has been lost slightly. …This content that is being created through Greenfly…that’s incredibly exclusive. And being exclusive drives value. …” — Nick Shaw, EMEA GM, Greenfly

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